yAgnostic Weekly Updates — March 2nd

3 min readMar 2, 2021


We are pleased to bring to our dear community yAgnostic development progress report again for this week. Based on our roadmap for Q1 to Q2 2021, the team is currently working on a blockchain-agnostic solution for secure Vaults for DeFi strategies implementation. We are utilizing yEarn protocol as a reference. The solution includes Ethereum smart-contracts’ system, dApp for interaction with the protocol, governance token, secure bridge from Ethereum to Polkadot network for the token and basic solution on the Polkadot network. The system does not need KYC, does not keep users’ private keys and provides access for the user for each integrated blockchain.

To better understand the flow and the process of delivering the product, we’ve created roadmaps for both contracts and front-end implementation.

*Stages already passed and implemented are marked with (!)

*Stages already passed and implemented exactly this week with (!!)

DAO roadmap:

● Token staking in exchange for voting power (!)

● Proposals creation and voting (!!)

● Multisig wallet for proposals execution (in progress)

● DAO rewards system

● yAgnostic token receiving in the protocol scheme

Front-end roadmap:

● Init react app (!)

● Create a home page component (!)

● Create layout component with header (!)

● Create a dashboard component (!)

● Connect App to wallet (MetaMask) (!)

● Connect App to contracts (!)

● Create vaults component (!)

● Create stats component (!)

● Create admin component (!)

● Connect our contracts to vaults:

○ Get user and vault balances (!!)

○ Deposit

○ Deposit all

○ Withdraw

○ Withdraw all

● Create a staking component (dao) (!!)

● Create voting component (dao)

Substrate Node setup roadmap:

● Initial Substrate node structure (!!)

● ORML package added

● Token wrappers pallet

● Test version of the tokens implementations, e.g. Eth emulation and stablecoins emulation

● Vaults pallets and modules for the Substrate node

● Native token (implemented as pallet) for the governance

● Correct RPCs for the frontend

● Update node structure with consensus rules, transaction weights and offchain workers

● Local dev network deployment with several validators

● Interfaces for additional protocols and tokens integration

Scope delivered

Below you can find the details on work done from contracts and the front-end side.

Contracts scope delivered:

● Set up contracts docgen:

○ Found and installed docgen

○ Created Handlebars template for docgen

○ Edited interface strategy

○ Integrated solidity docgen

● DAO contracts documentation:

○ Finished contracts refactoring

○ Installed docgen for contracts

○ Documented contracts

○ Generated documentation

○ Reviewed contracts docs

○ Rewrote and improved migrations for the new contracts’ version.

● Created test/script for platform gas estimation:

○ Created gas estimation scripts for the contracts functionality

○ Created docgen script for generating gas estimation .md tables

○ Started writing thorough tests for DAO functionality

● Added API reference

Front-end scope delivered:

● Implemented Stake page for DAO. There can be seen pools to stake on and pools’ balances. Currently, the page is connected to yEarn contracts, not to ours;

● Implemented Vote page for DAO. Currently there can be seen a list of proposals with their statistics. Any actions on proposals are still in development. Currently, the page is connected to yEarn contracts, not to ours;

● Implemented connection of our contracts for balances of Vaults and Dashboard pages;

● Started connecting our contracts (DEPOSIT).

Substrate node scope delivered:

● Substrate node implementation:

○ Setup .env

○ Created basic structure

○ Tested node functionality via substrate_dev client UI

○ Started implementation of native token as pallet

YearnAgnostic Finance Community:

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