yAgnostic Weekly Updates — Feb 09

4 min readFeb 9, 2021


We are pleased to bring to our dear community yAgnostic development progress report and other vital updates.Based on our roadmap for Q1 to Q2 2021, The team is currently working on a blockchain-agnostic solution for secure Vaults for defi strategies implementation. We are utilizing yEarn protocol as a reference. The solution includes Ethereum smart-contracts’ system, dApp for interaction with the protocol, governance token, secure bridge from Ethereum to Polkadot network for the token and basic solution on the Polkadot network. The system does not need KYC, does not keep users’ private keys and provides access for the user for each integrated blockchain.

To better understand the flow and the process of delivering the product, we’ve created roadmaps for both contracts and front-end implementation.

*Stages already passed and implemented are marked with (!)

*Stages already passed and implemented exactly last week with (!!)

Contracts roadmap:

  • Review the existing token contract (!)
  • Init truffle project (!)
  • Fork core contracts from yEarn (!)
  • Upgrade compiler version up to 0.6.12 (!)
  • Upgrade zeppelin library up to 3.3.0 (!)
  • Prepare initial deployment script (!)
  • Prepare initial deployment script to testnet (!)
  • Start unit-test coverage for the Vault contract (!)
  • Spread deployment scripts (!!)
  • Add test stubs for the Strategy (!!)
  • Prepare test environment with contracts

Front-end roadmap:

  • Init react app (!)
  • Create a home page component (!)
  • Create layout component with header (!)
  • Create a dashboard component (!)
  • Connect App to wallet (MetaMask) (!)
  • Connect App to contracts (!!)
  • Create vaults component
  • Connect contracts for vaults
  • Create stats component
  • Create admin component

Scope delivered

Below you can find the details on work done from contracts and the front-end side.

Contracts scope delivered:

  • Created three migrations and wrote a convenient way to launch them via npm:
  • controller + registry contracts;
  • vault contract migration and registration in the controller;
  • test environment (controller, registry, vault and strategy) migration 2;
  • Created CLI tool for operator that allows to call contract’s functionality fast:
  • developed CLI functionality for reliable interaction with contracts with terminal;
  • created script that automatically generates commands for the CLI from truffle’s artifacts and calls contract;
  • investigated yEarn structure and contracts interfaces.
  • Covered with UNIT tests Vaults and Controller (all the tests are without Defi strategy for now). We plan to fullfill the coverage to95+ in the next sprint

Front-end scope delivered:

  • Connected Dashboard to Yearn contracts:
  • cloned part of the Yearn code responded for work of the contracts, got rid of redundant code, fixed minor mistakes that Yearn developers made;
  • implemented files with configurations for Vaults and Assets and embedded the code into our dApp;
  • added preloader to a Dashboard page, that blocks and hovers the page while the contracts are processing the requests. It’s done to prevent several simultaneous requests from the user’s side to contracts.
  • Currently yAgnostic dApp is connected to Yearn contracts, as ours are in process of covering with Unit tests. (will start connecting from the beginning of next week). It allowed us to refactor the code, get rid of redundant functionality and more detailed to describe the functionality needed for yAgnostic platform.
  • Finalizing the refactoring of the dApp code to proceed to implementing Vaults page. Refactoring of the code is required to build the correct dApp architecture that will lead to lowering time of development in future and will prevent us from business logic mistakes.
  • List of commits to develop version of /front-end repository:
  • Clone example contract config
  • Create dashboard store
  • Remove useless code from dashboard store
  • Move calculateDashboard from store to actions of dashboard module;
  • Refactor calculateDashboard function; Fix definition of basedOn
  • Remove unused dashboard store
  • Clone assets and vaults config
  • Connect wallet authentication to dashboard
  • Connect assets config to app store
  • Connect vaults config to app store
  • Write callback of getUSDPrices into dashboard page, getStatistics into dashboard page, getAssetBalances into dashboard page, getVaultBalances into dashboard page, calculateDashboard into dashboard page, getWeb3Instacne into App.js
  • Add loading status to assets store, vaults store, prices store, statistics store
  • Implement preloader for dashboard page
  • Reorganize directories of dashboard module, home module, layout module
  • Create module connections
  • Move web3context and connection from store to connections
  • Move getWeb3Instacne from web3context store to external thunk
  • Move the callbacks from stores to external thunk
  • Move account from store to account module
  • Move Layout from App.js to external component

Buy, Stake, and Hodl #yfiag

  • Exchange Listings:

YearnAgnostic #YFIAG is currently trading on Uniswap and Hotbit exchanges:

Uniswap: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=YFIAG_USDT

Hotbit: https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0xada9ae35410dd1b36ee2361e72a679d046084980

  • We are on coinmarketcap:

Follow Us

Website: http://yearnagnostic.finance/

Twitter: https://yficlassic.finance/stake/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/yearnagnostic

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/yearnagnostichannel

Medium: https://yearnagnostic.medium.com/



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